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Pradeep Pillai

Level Designer

I am a designer who is passionate about creating enjoyable experiences for players and I am always excited about the next new project.
I have experience in Unity, Unreal Engine 4, GIT and Source Tree. Some of my past experiences include working as a Level Designer as well as an AI Designer.
My career goal is to work as a Lead Designer on a AAA title, and am working hard to meet that goal.
I am very good at communicating and working in a team. working for 10 years in the service industry as a chef has taught me how to handle high pressure situations and effectively communicating with my team while keeping morale up through the day.
Feel free to email me at


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Three Curse Meal

School Project

Sweet Specter

48 Hour Game Jam

Quest For Valor

School Project

Home: Projects

Three Curse Meal

Engine: Unity

Role: Level Designer/AI Designer

Tools: Jira, Source Tree, Git, Miro, Photoshop, Google Docs
Team Size:

What I did:

  1. Responsible for designing, building, iterating and set dressing 7 out of the 14 rooms in this game.

  2. I was responsible for upkeep of the GDD and LDD.

  3. I was in charge of programming designing and implementing the 3 enemies in game 

  4. I was in charge of upkeep and maintenance of the bug tracker 

Three Curse Meal

Sweet Specter

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Role: Level Designer

Tools: ClickUp, Source Tree, Git, Miro, Photoshop, Google Docs
Team Size: 4

Project Developement Time: 48 hours 

What I did:

  1. Responsible for designing the library/main level

  2. Responsible for scripting and implementing candies that spawn different colors and sizes.

  3. Responsible for designing and implementing light system that moves around the library and switches color

Sweet Specter

Quest For Valor

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Role: Level Designer, Scripter

Tools: Source Tree, Git, Miro, Google Docs
Team Size: 1

Project Developement Time: 2 months 

What I did:

  1. Responsible for designing the layout for all playable space in this world

  2. Responsible for iterating on designs

  3. Responsible for set dressing the world

  4. Responsible for scripting and implementing all blueprints and systems in this project

  5. Designed and implemented three different challenges for players to overcome - Platforming, Puzzle and a boss fight!

Quest For Valor
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